$ sdcv -h sdcv - console version of StarDict. Usage: sdcv [OPTIONS] words -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --version display version information and exit -l, --list-dicts display list of available dictionaries and exit -u, --use-dict bookname for search use only dictionary with this bookname -n, --non-interactive for use in scripts --utf8-output output must be in utf8 --utf8-input input of sdcv in utf8 --data-dir path/to/dir use this directory as path to stardict data directory
请输入单词或短语:苹果 Found 1 items, similar to 苹果. -->朗道汉英字典5.0 -->苹果
apple 【医】 apple 相关词组: 苹果饼 苹果布丁 苹果酱 苹果酒 苹果渣 苹果汁 酸苹果 野生苹果
请输入单词或短语:Apple Found 2 items, similar to Apple. -->牛津现代英汉双解词典 -->apple
/ˈæpl; `æpl/ n 1 (a) round fruit with firm juicy flesh and green, red or yellow skin when ripe 苹果: [attrib 作定语] an apple pie 苹果馅饼 * apple sauce 苹果酱. =>illus at fruit 见fruit之插图. (b) (also `apple tree) tree bearing this fruit 苹果树. 2 (idm 习语) an/the ,apple of `discord (fml 文) cause of an argument or a quarrel 争端; 祸根. the ,apple of sb's `eye person or thing that is loved more than any other 心爱的人或物; 掌上明珠: She is the apple of her father's eye. 她是父亲的掌上明珠. in ,apple-pie `order very neatly arranged 井然有序.